over thinking this pregnancy

I wish I had a full time job to keep my mind off this pregnancy.  I should be filled with joy and at moments I am, but mostly I am filled with anxiety.  I tried to talk to my mum about my anxieties yesterday and instead of being understanding she was almost annoyed at me for thinking this way, I stopped her in her tracks when she was about to say if you think that way (about miscarriage) it will happen.  I am sensitive at the moment so some empathy would have worked wonders.  I don’t think people who have not been through IVF cycles, who conceived easily will ever understand what it is like, how scared we are, how deep of an issue this is, and how desperate we are to start families.

I won’t say much more except roll on Thursday when I have my 5 week blood text and scan.   Milestones!

4 thoughts on “over thinking this pregnancy

  1. Congrats on your new pregnancy! I’m currently 21 weeks as of today, and I still have all kinds of worries and anxiety…I don’t think it ever goes away- but you do learn to breath a little easier with each milestone you reach. We don’t get the luxury of just BEING pregnant and enjoying it without worry, but that makes us appreciate the pregnancy so much more than “normal” women. I’m a new reader, good luck and I hope things continue to progress well!

  2. Congrats on your pregnancy! I hope you’re still carrying on and having a happy and healthy pregnancy. As Megan said, you never really stop worrying. At least on different levels and for different reasons, I worried during my entire pregnancy and now that the boy is here, I still worry! LOL

    Like you, we went through 3 IVF rounds before getting pregnant and hubby and I are about the same age too.

    • Hi just heather,
      I should update my blog…I will! I am now 11 1/2 weeks pregnant and so far all has been going well. I have felt tired, sick and can’t wait for trimester 2. Each day I am feeling more confident and 12 1/2 week scan is next week. Crossing fingers & toes.
      Anyway nice to hear from you and to hear you’ve been through the same. All the best with your lil family !!

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